About Me

Well hey there! I’m Brenna. I’m an American who moved to Sweden for love in 2015 and am now a Swedish citizen living a life of lagom, meatballs, and IKEA. I have two dogs, my sweet 10 year old Shiba Inu, Hima, and my big doofy 4 year old Akita Inu, Tonbo.

All my life I’ve loved to draw, paint, create, and explore. Although I have no formal training, art has always been a passion of mine that I’ve wanted to pursue as more than just a pastime.

Professionally, I’ve primarily focused on Community Management / Customer Success, as well as leading support departments for SaaS companies. One of my latest roles was as the Customer Success & Community Manager for Mapillary. Last summer they joined Facebook and as a result, my position was unfortunately no longer needed — along with the majority of our team. Since then I’ve started my own company and offer contracting services for Customer Success and Head of Support roles.

I also hope to use this business as a way to create things that make people smile, gifts that will be cherished, while continuing to hone my art skills.

Aside from that, I love to cook for others, I love hot yoga, swimming, and running, I’m proficient in Swedish, I moderate some popular subreddits on Reddit, and I’m generally a pretty chill chick. If you’d like to get in touch you can reach me at brenna@kaldea.se or if you’d like to commission me for an art piece you can submit one here.

Tack så mycket!